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Indigenous populations throughout North America, Eurasia, and Scandinavia have been gathering and refining birch sap for thousands of years.  It's antioxidant, analgesic, diuretic, and astringent properties add to it's uniqueness.


Birch syrup production coincides with the end of maple season and utilizes much of the same equipment.  Our rolling 18 acre homestead features both maple and birch trees so it only makes sense to work with nature.  We have been experimenting with birch syrup methods and procedures for the last few years. The result is an unusually mild flavor profile that is exceptional for glazing, desserts, and beverage making. 

Jared's sister, Sarah Jo, makes a Creamy Birch Chai, and she's giving up the recipe just for you!  Check it out and see what you think.  


From our homestead to your table! 

It's something fine.

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