Here at Downslope we're all about sustainability, tradition, and innovation. This recipe is about tradition! Every Vermonter worth their salt knows a good maple cream pie deserves to be part of family tradition. We're growing to expect the Downslope Maple Cream Pie at holiday gatherings and family birthday dinners. Uncle Dan is a big fan - it nearly put him over the edge at Thanksgiving this year - in every good way.
1 pre packaged graham cracker crust pie shell
1 C cream cheese
1 tub of extra creamy whipped topping
1 C maple cream (you'll make this using the directions below)
2 cups Downslope Maple Syrup (it will make more than you need for the pie, and you'll thank me for that!
Yup, maple cream is just maple syrup, friends...nothing fancy added in...just some good old-fashioned elbow grease (you might want to do some curls before you start).
In a saucepan over medium low heat, bring the maple syrup to a boil. Don't stir. When the syrup reaches 235 degrees F remove from heat. (This stage will take about 15 minutes) . DON'T STIR DURING THIS STAGE, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!
Prepare an ice bath while the syrup is boiling. A clean saucepan nestled in a mixing bowl of ice will do.
When the syrup reaches 235 degrees F, transfer the syrup into the saucepan in the ice bath. Leave it be until the syrup drops to 100 degrees F. Don't touch, don't stir. Leave your thermometer in and walk away. Shhhhh lovely syrup, just rest.
When the syrup reaches 100 degrees F, remove the pan from the ice bath. It's time to stir! Grab your favorite wooden spoon. Slow and steady is the name of the game. Avoid beating air into the syrup, just keep stirring and stirring and stirring some more!
You might want to tune in to your favorite podcast or an episode of that show you're binge watching on Netflix, this is going to take some time. Observe that your syrup will begin to lighten up in color as you stir. When that 20.5 minute episode of The Office is over, keep stirring. Employ a young child to rub your aching arm muscles. Your kid, a grandchild, the neighbor's kid, any kid will do. And be sure to stay hydrated! This is a marathon. At about the 30 minute mark your syrup should be creamy, smooth and glossy. Don't quit now...keep stirring!
Perfect crystallization is what we're after. You'll know you're there when the gloss disappears and the cream turns dull. Notice that your spoon paths are sticking around? FINISH LINE! Stop stirring, friend, you did it!
Remove one cup for your pie. Pour the rest into a jar or container with a cover. You can stash it in the fridge for six months, but we all know it won't last the day!
Combine cream cheese and maple cream in a mixing bowl. Mash together. Add whipped topping. Mix with hand mixer or electric beaters until smooth. (2 minutes)
Pour into pie shell* and chill in refrigerator for 4 hours. Relocate to freezer for at least 2 hours before serving. Keep and serve frozen for best results.
Garnish with chopped walnuts, crumbled maple sugar, and whipped cream.
*If Paul Hollywood is bound to stop by or you're entertaining an Epicurean, you may consider a homemade pastry crust. I'm not a pie crust expert - the Willey & Mead kids, and especially Uncle Dan, are all about the graham cracker crust - what I do know is you'll have to pre-bake and cool your crust first!